
Burj Khalifa Tower

Burj Khalifa Tower

1, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Blud, Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
The tallest building in the world.
Excavation work began for Burj Khalifa in January 2004 and over the ensuing years to its completion, the building passed many important milestones on its goal to become the tallest man-made structure the world has ever seen. In just 1,325 days since excavation work started in January, 2004, Burj Khalifa became the tallest free-standing structure in the world. Big, Bigger, Biggest. The construction of Burj Khalifa was such a grand execution that it grabbed the attention of National Geographic. The channel made a documentary on the subject as part of the 'Big, Bigger, Biggest' series. Bringing Burj Khalifa to life required a combination of visionary ideals and solid science. In the process, the project amassed an awe-inspiring number of facts, figures, and statistics. World Records At over 828 metres (2,716.5 feet) and more than 160 stories, Burj Khalifa holds the following records: Tallest building in the world Tallest free-standing structure in the world Highest number of stories in the world Highest occupied floor in the world Highest outdoor observation deck in the world Elevator with the longest travel distance in the world Tallest service elevator in the world
1st Landmark -
2nd Landmark - Ristorante
3rd Landmark - Desert Safari Dubai
4th Lamdmark - Burg Khalifa Lake
Date Added
800 BURJ, +97148888888

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